Cash Settlements and Health Benefits for Union Members
Union members who have worked at nuclear energy or uranium sites may be eligible for no-cost health services and potential cash settlements through the Department of Labor’s EEOICPA and RECA programs. Connecting your members to these benefits can help them maintain optimal health and independence while lessening the demands on your unions health care benefits program.

Connecting Your Members to DOL Health Benefits
Any union member who has worked at a Department of Energy nuclear or uranium site stands to gain:
- Monetary settlements of up to $400,000
- Department of Labor health care benefits and home modifications
- In-home care at no cost to the individual
- No cost to the union’s health benefits Plan
- Compensation benefits for family members for providing care

Let Us Help You Help Your Members
We’ve helped hundreds of individuals who worked in energy successfully file with the DOL. We can start by coming to you and your next member meeting. We know the ins and outs of the claims process.
How We Can Help:
- Assist members in getting access to all the benefits they have earned.
- Help guide them through the process of applying for EEOICPA
benefits. - Provide health care and support to them in the home at whatever level their health requests.
- Help connect family members to compensation benefits for the care they provide.
- Join doctor visits and communicate with the members care team to help them achieve and maintain optimum health and independence.
- Provide your members with a dedicated Care Manager who is always ready to answer questions.

Who You Choose Matters.
Talk to the Team Who Cares.
Call Us at 1-877-259-9001
All of my nurses have gone above and beyond the call of duty. You couldn’t ask for a better crew of people.